First thing on this special 2020, we have reviewed and issued a new set of datasheets for our products. The new datasheets enhance the previous ones by providing a more detailed and thorough description of each model, so we are happy to announce that they are all available on our website.
We want you to get to know our products completely and to make sure you have all the necessary information, you will find everything from general descriptions of the products, to the most important features, the highlights and the applications for which they can be used. All the details are in just one document. And remember, if you have any questions, CINERGIA’s team will always be there to help you.
Discover how to test photovoltaic inverters in a closed energy loop
CINERGIA’s DC Programmable Power Supplies are designed to generate a controlled DC source or load, but they can also behave as a battery charger, battery emulator, or as a photovoltaic panel emulator
The future of Smart Grids
We review the current market situation and then gather different opinions to understand the next steps that the sector should take
Do you need to emulate electrical loads?
Our EL+ vAC AC is a current source designed to emulate the electrical behavior of passive and active devices connected to the grid
Evaluate the performance of a battery
We have developed a module in battery testing to create a flexible and intuitive sequence of battery cycles
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