CINERGIA's EL+ vAC is a 4Q programmable AC Current Source designed to emulate the electrical behavior of passive and active devices connected to the grid. Without any doubt is one of the most versatile regenerative current sources products in the market for energy testing in AC.
In addition, its grid stage as an Active Rectifier produces clean sinusoidal currents with very low harmonic distortion. This cost-efficient solution is specially suitable for testing AC sources, Applications for Industry and Education, Smart grids, Aeronautic, UPS and EV Charging Infrastructure.
Its regenerative and bidirectional hardware allows a reduction in the total power and energy needed for the test.
In the following brochure you can check all his features and functionalities.
Vous pouvez télécharger le dossier complet ici
CINERGIA showcases the latest in Regenerative Power Solutions at Electronica 2024
Join us at Hall A3, Booth 258 to discover how our solutions are powering progress in electromobility, smart grids, and renewable energy applications.
CINERGIA will attend to the 14th ESEIAAT Business Forum edition
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CINERGIA at RT24 UK: Driving Innovation in PHiL and Real-Time Simulation
We are proud to sponsor RT24 UK, OPAL-RT’s highly anticipated Regional Conference on Power Systems and Power Electronics Real-Time Simulation, taking place in Edinburgh on November 28–29, 2024.
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