For 32 years, the Creu Roja has championed the rights of children through its "Educational Toy" campaign, ensuring that thousands of children across Catalonia receive toys during the Christmas holidays.
The "Educational Toy" campaign focuses on providing children with toys that are not only fun but also educational. These toys are carefully selected to be:
Non-sexist: Avoiding toys that reinforce gender stereotypes.
Non-violent: Promoting peace and cooperation.
Cooperative: Encouraging social interaction and teamwork.
We extend our sincere gratitude to all CINERGIA employees who are contributing to this wonderful cause. Your collective efforts demonstrate the strong sense of community and solidarity that defines our company.
We are working every day for a more sustainable world
We review with Jorge Rivero his incorporation into our project and long-term plans
Looking Back at Electronica 2024: Milestones, Innovations, and New Beginnings
Electronica 2024 was a remarkable experience for Cinergia, marked by our 15th-anniversary celebration, groundbreaking product launches, and valuable connections with industry leaders. Here’s a recap of the milestones, innovations, and highlights from our time in Munich.
The GE&EL+ SiC presented at the electronica trade fair
Showcasing our latest development, the GE&EL+ with silicon carbide technology
GE&EL+ vAC/DC: the most versatile converter in the energy testing market
It gets together the whole CINERGIA’s catalogue in a single unit
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