Die Benutzeroberfläche der CINERGIA-Geräte wurde von unserem Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteam entwickelt, um eine vollständige Kontrolle über das Gerät mit einem komfortablen und intuitiven Design zu ermöglichen. So können wir die Möglichkeiten des Geräts voll ausschöpfen und standardisierte oder selbst erstellte Tests programmieren und durchführen.
Die Softwarefunktionen, die für jedes Produkt verfügbar sind, hängen von seinen Merkmalen ab.
AC Operation
From this panel, the user can set all AC parameters. Each phase can be independently configured: RMS current magnitude, phase delay, harmonics content, free-frequency harmonic and transition ramps. A plot shows the expected real-time waveform, the FFT representation and the numeric data: RMS, peak, CF and THD.
The device can control simultaneously the magnitude of the first 15 harmonics and one free harmonic per phase. The free one allows the generation of sub-harmonics, inter-harmonics and high frequency harmonics up to the 50th, setting both the magnitude and phase delay.
Power and Impedance Control
In Power mode, the active and reactive power of each phase is independently controlled. In impedance mode, the device emulates an RLC load allowing to parameterize resistance, inductance and capacitance per phase making this device suitable for anti-islanding test of grid converters.
Parallel Mode
The device can be controlled in parallel mode where all phases are short-circuited internally. This mode it’s suitable for single-phase applications. To increase the total power of the solution, the device can be connected in parallel* with multiple devices.
Steps Mode
One of the most remarkable novelties of the new software is the steps' functionality. Step test files are saved and executed by the DSP allowing deterministic timing with a resolution of 66µs. The user gains access to all registers of the device to create complex test sequences which run directly in the converter without the need of an external computer.
Disturbance Generation
The steps' mode includes predefined easy-to-use test panels. The AC faults panel is a powerful yet intuitive editor which allows generating and configuring flicker. Specific profiles can be saved in .csv files, modified, and reused by importing an existing one.
Linear & Non-Linear Emulation
The capacity to emulate linear and non-linear loads in one of the main features of the 4Q Electronic Load. Through our intuitive control software, the magnitude of harmonics can be set and different types of loads can be generated.
IEC Testing
The last version of software includes a library supporting IEC compatible tests. The profiles defined in the standards are preloaded in the software for a user-friendly execution and edition. Currently, the following standards are available: IEC61000-4/11, IEC61000-4/13, IEC61000-4/14 and IEC61000-4/28
DC Operation
This panel allows the user to access all DC set points and limits. Thanks to the unique Multichannel feature, each phase can have a different Operation Mode: voltage, current, power, resistance and advanced DC applications. Transition ramps, voltage and current limits can be modified. The limits for sink and source operation are different for safer testing, specially in battery applications.
The User Interface Software integrates a Sequence Editor to create automatic test sequences, save them for future use and import them in .CSV files. A smart data logger can be activated from the LCD of the unit to record automatically the resulting voltage and current measurements with a time resolution of 400 ms.
Enabling the Separated Channel Control converts the device to three functionally independent DC Bidirectional Power Supplies, sharing the common negative rail. Each channel can have a different status (ON, OFF, Warning, Alarm), Operation Mode (see Range and Specifications table), Set point, Ramp and Limits.
Battery Pack Tester
This functionality enables the user to precisely control the charge, discharge and cycling of a Battery. Basic parameters include the charge/discharge current, fast charge and floating voltages while Advanced parameters add Energy (Ah) and Time as transition conditions. Profiles for each Battery technology can be saved and imported in .CSV files.
Battery Emulation
The B2C+ integrates a mathematical model to emulate the voltage behaviour of a real battery pack. The output voltage will change as a function of the SOC and Current. By configuring the provided parameters, the voltage profile can be adjusted to match different technologies: LiIon, NiMH, NiCd, Pb, Flux, etc.
PV Panel Emulation
The PV Panel model is based on the single-diode equivalent circuit of a PV cell and the series-parallel connection of cells to form a panel. A Runtime functionality allows the simulation of a complete day by launching different irradiance and temperature set points from a .csv file, enabling the user burn-in and functional tests of PV Inverters.
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