After analyzing for a year and a half more than three thousand companies throughout Spain, Jorge Rivero and the investment group Sotavento chose Cinergia. The technological know-how, the growth of the company and the sectors in which we develop our activity, and the entrepreneurial DNA of our founders are some of the attractions they took into account when investing in the company. However, what really motivated him was “the fact of working every day in a company that pursues a more sustainable world, which helps the electrification of the future”.
From the moment he became CEO, he has been able to see that the entrepreneurial culture and the pursuit of a more sustainable world are two key points of our company, and this is understood and breathed in each one of our departments.
Jorge explains that we are facing a “change, but with continuity; the founding partners remain in the project, will maintain a key role, and will help us to consolidate the growth of Cinergia”. He also emphasizes that his incorporation must be understood as a piece with more experience in management and with a more strategic and business vision. “I am one more entrepreneur within Cinergia, one more piece that the company needs to consolidate its growth”.
And this is the great short-term challenge he has set for himself from day one. When it comes to achieving it, he considers that “it is key to incorporate talent, improve the technology and services that we have and open new product lines. In addition, we will strengthen the R&D department, the sales team, and the technical service”.
He looks to the future with ambition and is confident that, with the support of powerful international partners and working together with our distributors and customers, the objectives will be achieved. “We have ambitious growth plans, we are talking about double-digit growth. This year we expect to have a turnover of around 5 million euros, and for next year we want to grow between 10 and 20%. And, in the next 3-5 years, we want to double our turnover”.
To achieve this growth, Cinergia will start working on its presence in new markets. “So far, our focus has been Europe. We will continue to work in this market because it is very broad, and we still have a long way to go, but we certainly have to start having more presence in Asia and the United States. It is a very important challenge, and this geographic expansion and being competitive in these countries is one of our main objectives”.
Reflections on RT24 UK: CINERGIA Showcases PHiL Solutions
Recently, CINERGIA had the pleasure of attending RT24 UK, OPAL-RT's Regional Conference on Power Systems and Power Electronics Real-Time Simulation, held in Edinburgh.
The GE&EL+ SiC presented at the electronica trade fair
Showcasing our latest development, the GE&EL+ with silicon carbide technology
Discover how to test photovoltaic inverters in a closed energy loop
CINERGIA’s DC Programmable Power Supplies are designed to generate a controlled DC source or load, but they can also behave as a battery charger, battery emulator, or as a photovoltaic panel emulator
We will be at the Electronica virtual trade fair next week
This year, due to the pandemic situation, the fair has reinvented itself and has opted for the digital format
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